Upgrade your system


Is your current CCTV system falling short in meeting your security needs? Instead of opting for repetitive repairs, it's time to consider an upgrade that will revolutionize your surveillance capabilities. At Dynseguridad, we specialize in providing comprehensive CCTV system upgrades that go beyond mere repairs and deliver superior performance and enhanced security.

If you already have a system of cameras installed, you can upgrade your camera system without having to spend more on expensive cable installations. Reuse that wire but you can use 4K Cameras

Analog System Compatible to Upgrade

Some Wire Compatible

RG 59

RG 59 twin's

UTP Cat 5e or Cat 6 With Video baluns

"All system requires external Power supply"

If you don't have a power supply we can sell it

Wire RG59 and Power Wire

Work with analog camera system and this is compatible with our 4K update systems

Wire RG59 twin

Work with analog camera system and this is compatible with our 4K update systems

UTP With Video Balun

Work with analog camera system and this is compatible with our 4K update systems, You may need to update the video balun too


Our CCTV Kit to upgrade

Kit up to 4 cameras HD over coax

Kit 1
Kit up to 4 Cameras

DVR 4 Cameras

2TB Hard Disk


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Kit up to 8 cameras 4K over coax

Kit 2
Kit up to 8 Cameras 4K

DVR 4K up to 8 Channels

3TB Hard Disk

2 Cameras 4K HDCVI Eyeball

4 Cameras 5MP HDCVI Eyeball

!You can customize the kit!

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Kit up to 16 cameras 4K over coax

Kit 3
Kit up to 16 cameras 4K

DVR 4K up to 16 Channels

4TB Hard Disk

4 Cameras 4K HDCVI Eyeball

8 Cameras 5MP HDCVI Eyeball

!You can customize the kit!

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¿Do you need a new Installation? no problem with our kits to new installations

Kit up to 4 cameras 4K IP

Kit 4
Kit IP up to 4 Cameras

NVR 4 Cameras

2TB Hard Disk


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Kit up to 8 cameras 4K IP

Kit 5
Kit IP up to 8 Cameras 4K

NVR 4K up to 8 Channels

3TB Hard Disk

2 Cameras 4K IP Eyeball

4 Cameras 4MP IP Eyeball

!You can customize the kit!

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Kit up to 16 cameras 4K IP

Kit 6
Kit IP up to 16 Cameras 4K

NVR 4K up to 16 Channels

4TB Hard Disk

4 Cameras 4K IP Eyeball

8 Cameras 4MP IP Eyeball

!You can customize the kit!

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Why 4K cameras?

Ultra-High Definition (UHD) 4K is the video surveillance resolution of the future, delivering four times the resolution of HD 1080p cameras for superior picture quality and image clarity. 4K resolution improves the clarity of a magnified scene to view and record crisp forensic video, an excellent choice for applications that require both fine detail and broad coverage. Dynseguridad offers 4K in IP and over coax (HDCVI) cameras solution.

4K is four times the resolution of HD 1080p cameras

Better than repair is to upgrade.

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